Aikido Association Thailand (Thai Aikikai)
เรนบูคังโดโจ สมาคมไอคิโดประเทศไทย
- Southeast Asia Aikido Headquarters -
Aikido Examination Requirements
Rank : 10 KYU (Orange Belt)
Duration of Training : 30 Days
Tested Techniques
Kamae | Ai-Hanmi | Gyaku-Hanmi | Ikkyo-Undo | Funakogi-Undo | Zenpo-Ukemi | Koho-Ukemi | Shikko |
Shomen-Uchi | Yokomen-Uchi | Tsuki | Katatetori Tenkan-Ho |
Kosa-Tori : Ikkyo (Omote)
Morotetori : Kokyu-Ho (Omete, Ura)
Suwari Waza : Kokyu-Ho
Rank : 9 KYU (Orange and 3" Blue Belt)
Duration of Training : 40 Days
Tested Techniques
All 10 KYU and
Kosa-Tori : Ikkyo (Ura)
Katate-Tori : Shiho-Nage (Omote)
Rank : 8 KYU (Orange and 6" Blue Belt)
Duration of Training : 40 Days
Tested Techniques
Up to 9 KYU and
Katate-Tori : Shiho-Nage (Ura)
Kosa-Tori : 2 Kyo (Omote, Ura)
Rank : 7 KYU (Blue Belt)
Duration of Training : 40 Days
Tested Techniques
Up to 8 KYU and
Kosa-Tori : Irimi-Nage (Omote, Ura)
Kosa-Tori : 3 Kyo (Omote, Ura)
Morotetori : Kokyu-Nage
Rank : 6 KYU (Blue and 6" Green Belt)
Duration of Training : 40 Days
Tested Techniques
Up to 7 KYU and
Kosa-Tori : Kote-Gaeshi (Omote, Ura)
Kosa-Tori : 1-4 Kyo (Omote, Ura)
Shomen-Uchi : 1 Kyo (omote, Ura)
Rank : 5 KYU (Green Belt)
Duration of Training : 60 Days
Tested Techniques
Up to 6 KYU and
Shomen-Uchi : 1-4 Kyo (Omote, Ura)
Shomen-Uchi : Irimi-Nage (Omote, Ura)
Yokomen-Uchi : 1-4 Kyo (omote, Ura)
Tsuki Kote-Gaeshi ***Tenchi-Nage
Rank : 4 KYU (Green and 6" Brown Belt)
Duration of Training : 60 Days
Tested Techniques
All up to 5 KYU and
All Tsuki
All Ryote-Tori
Rank : 3 KYU (Brown Belt)
Duration of Training : 60 Days
Tested Techniques
All up to 4 KYU and
Suwari-Waza Technique
Hanmi-Handachi Technique
Ushiro-Tori Technique
Rank : 2 KYU (Brown and 3" Black Belt)
Duration of Training : 60 Days
Tested Techniques
All up to 3 KYU and
Rank : 1 KYU (Brown and 6" Black Belt)
Duration of Training : 60 Days
Tested Techniques
Up to 2 KYU and
Tanto-Tori Techniques
Rank : Shodan-Ho (Black Belt)
Duration of Training : 1 Years (140 Days)
Tested Techniques
Up to 1 KYU and
Bokken Techniques
Irimi Nage (3)
Kote-Gaeshi (3)
Aikido Association Thailand (Thai Aikikai) Examination Schedule
Application details
Candidates must continue his/her membership till the date of testing.
Candidates must be a member of Aikido association of Thailand not less than 45 days before testing.
Candidates must submit their application forms 2 weeks before testing.
Candidates will not be allowed to test for two grades at the same time.
Candidates for 3 KYU or higher belts must be at least 15 years old.
Candidates must complete and sign their application forms before submitting to Aikido Association of Thailand.
Duration of Training must be signed/approved by his/her instructor.
Candidates who pass the testing must collect a certificate and register a new grade after announcement.
Application and Examination Fees
10 KYU – 6 KYU
Application Fee : 300 | Grading Fee : 400 Total 700 Baht
5 KYU – 4 KYU
Application Fee : 500 | Grading Fee : 500 Total 1,000 Baht
3 KYU – 1 KYU
Application Fee : 500 | Grading Fee : 800 Total 1,300 Baht
Application Fee : 500 | Grading Fee : 1,500 Total 2,000 Baht
1 Dan
Application Fee : 500 | Grading Fee : 2,000 Total 2,500 Baht
2 Dan
Application Fee : 500 | Grading Fee : 3,000 Total 3,500 Baht
3 Dan
Application Fee : 500 | Grading Fee : 4,000 Total 4,500 Baht
4 Dan
Application Fee : 500 | Grading Fee : 5,000 Total 5,500 Baht