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Aikido Examination Requirements

Rank : 10 KYU (Orange Belt)

Duration of Training : 30 Days

Tested Techniques


Kamae | Ai-Hanmi | Gyaku-Hanmi | Ikkyo-Undo | Funakogi-Undo | Zenpo-Ukemi | Koho-Ukemi | Shikko |

Shomen-Uchi | Yokomen-Uchi | Tsuki | Katatetori Tenkan-Ho |


Kosa-Tori : Ikkyo (Omote)

Morotetori : Kokyu-Ho (Omete, Ura)

Suwari Waza : Kokyu-Ho

Rank : 9 KYU (Orange and 3" Blue Belt)

Duration of Training : 40 Days

Tested Techniques


All 10 KYU and

Kosa-Tori : Ikkyo (Ura)

Katate-Tori : Shiho-Nage (Omote)

Rank : 8 KYU (Orange and 6" Blue Belt)

Duration of Training : 40 Days

Tested Techniques


Up to 9 KYU and
Katate-Tori : Shiho-Nage (Ura)
Kosa-Tori : 2 Kyo (Omote, Ura)

Rank : 7 KYU (Blue Belt)

Duration of Training : 40 Days

Tested Techniques


Up to 8 KYU and
Kosa-Tori : Irimi-Nage (Omote, Ura)
Kosa-Tori : 3 Kyo (Omote, Ura)
Morotetori : Kokyu-Nage

Rank : 6 KYU (Blue and 6" Green Belt)

Duration of Training : 40 Days

Tested Techniques


Up to 7 KYU and
Kosa-Tori : Kote-Gaeshi (Omote, Ura)
Kosa-Tori : 1-4 Kyo (Omote, Ura)
Shomen-Uchi : 1 Kyo (omote, Ura)

Rank : 5 KYU (Green Belt)

Duration of Training : 60 Days

Tested Techniques


Up to 6 KYU and
Shomen-Uchi : 1-4 Kyo (Omote, Ura)
Shomen-Uchi : Irimi-Nage (Omote, Ura)
Yokomen-Uchi : 1-4 Kyo (omote, Ura)
Tsuki Kote-Gaeshi ***Tenchi-Nage

Rank : 4 KYU (Green and 6" Brown Belt)

Duration of Training : 60 Days

Tested Techniques


All up to 5 KYU and
All Tsuki
All Ryote-Tori

Rank : 3 KYU (Brown Belt)

Duration of Training : 60 Days

Tested Techniques


All up to 4 KYU and
Suwari-Waza Technique
Hanmi-Handachi Technique
Ushiro-Tori Technique

Rank : 2 KYU (Brown and 3" Black Belt)

Duration of Training : 60 Days

Tested Techniques


All up to 3 KYU and

Rank : 1 KYU (Brown and 6" Black Belt)

Duration of Training : 60 Days

Tested Techniques


Up to 2 KYU and
Tanto-Tori Techniques

Rank : Shodan-Ho (Black Belt)

Duration of Training : 1 Years (140 Days)

Tested Techniques


Up to 1 KYU and
Bokken Techniques
Irimi Nage (3)
Kote-Gaeshi (3)

Aikido Association Thailand (Thai Aikikai) Examination Schedule

  • March

  • June

  • September

  • December

Application details
  • Candidates must continue his/her membership till the date of testing.

  • Candidates must be a member of Aikido association of Thailand not less than 45 days before testing.

  • Candidates must submit their application forms 2 weeks before testing.

  • Candidates will not be allowed to test for two grades at the same time.

  • Candidates for 3 KYU or higher belts must be at least 15 years old.

  • Candidates must complete and sign their application forms before submitting to Aikido Association of Thailand.

  • Duration of Training must be signed/approved by his/her instructor.

  • Candidates who pass the testing must collect a certificate and register a new grade after announcement.

Application and Examination Fees

10 KYU – 6 KYU

Application Fee : 300 | Grading Fee : 400  Total 700 Baht

5 KYU – 4 KYU

Application Fee : 500 | Grading Fee : 500  Total 1,000 Baht

3 KYU – 1 KYU

Application Fee : 500 | Grading Fee : 800  Total 1,300 Baht


Application Fee : 500 | Grading Fee : 1,500  Total 2,000 Baht

1 Dan 

Application Fee : 500 | Grading Fee : 2,000  Total 2,500 Baht

2 Dan 

Application Fee : 500 | Grading Fee : 3,000  Total 3,500 Baht

3 Dan  

Application Fee : 500 | Grading Fee : 4,000  Total 4,500 Baht

4 Dan

Application Fee : 500 | Grading Fee : 5,000  Total 5,500 Baht

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